The requirements of High Integrity safety-critical, secure and mission-critical Software force developers to use specialised development techniques. Often the choice of computer language and the constructs used are based upon static and dynamic analysis requirements, as well as regulatory requirements and project-speci c requirements. To support the growing number of groups doing this kind of development and their di erent programming requirements, WG9 the ISO Ada Working Group and its Safety and Security Rapporteur Group HRG are forging ways to support these organizations. The HRG is developing an ISO Technical Document titled Guidance on the Use of the Ada Programming Language in High Integrity Systems to provide explicit guidance to groups using Ada in this arena. This document helps a project identify its analysis requirements, and determine which Ada language features are best-suited to support the analysis being done. This guidance, coupled with analysis based upon the Ada Seman...
Stephen Michell, Mark Saaltink, Brian A. Wichmann