

LoRa for the Internet of Things

8 years 10 months ago
LoRa for the Internet of Things
New transceiver technologies have emerged which enable power efficient communication over very long distances. Examples of such Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technologies are LoRa, Sigfox and Weightless. A typical application scenario for these technologies is city wide meter reading collection where devices send readings at very low frequency over a long distance to a data concentrator (one-hop networks). We argue that these transceivers are potentially very useful to construct more generic Internet of Things (IoT) networks incorporating multi-hop bidirectional communication enabling sensing and actuation. Furthermore, these transceivers have interesting features not available with more traditional transceivers used for IoT networks which enable construction of novel protocol elements. In this paper we present a performance and capability analysis of a currently available LoRa transceiver. We describe its features and then demonstrate how such transceiver can be put to use ef�...
Martin Bor, John Vidler, Utz Roedig
Added 03 Apr 2016
Updated 03 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where EWSN
Authors Martin Bor, John Vidler, Utz Roedig
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