

Low complexity resource allocation with opportunistic feedback over downlink OFDMA networks

14 years 3 months ago
Low complexity resource allocation with opportunistic feedback over downlink OFDMA networks
Abstract--Optimal tone allocation in downlink OFDMA networks is a non-convex NP-hard problem that requires extensive feedback for channel information. In this paper, two constantcomplexity limited-feedback algorithms are proposed to achieve near-optimal performance. First, using opportunistic feedback, the proposed schemes are shown to reduce feedback overhead by requiring only users likely to be allocated resources to feed back. There are differences between the two proposed schemes for implementation of the feedback protocol. One scheme requires less feedback but is contention-based, while the other scheme is sequential and thus avoids possible collisions leading to slightly higher performance, but needs more feedback. Second, complexity is reduced for resource allocation by solving the optimization problem in a distributed manner, rather than centrally at the base station. As shown both analytically and through numerical results, these distributed algorithms reduce the required feed...
Rajiv Agarwal, Vinay R. Majjigi, Zhu Han, Rath Van
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JSAC
Authors Rajiv Agarwal, Vinay R. Majjigi, Zhu Han, Rath Vannithamby, John M. Cioffi
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