

Low-Level Visual Homing

14 years 5 months ago
Low-Level Visual Homing
Abstract. We present a variant of the snapshot model [1] for insect visual homing. In this model a snapshot image is taken by an agent at the goal position. The disparity between current and snapshot images is subsequently used to guide the agent’s return. A matrix of local lowlevel processing elements is applied here to compute this disparity and transform it into a motion vector. This scheme contrasts with other variants of the snapshot model which operate on one-dimensional images, generally taken as views from a synthetic or simplified real world setting. Our approach operates directly on two-dimensional images of the real world. Although this system is not a model of any known neural structure, it hopes to offer more biological plausibility than competing techniques because the processing applied is low-level, and because the information processed appears to be of the same sort of information that is processed by insects. We present a comparison of results obtained on a set of...
Andrew Vardy, Franz Oppacher
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ECAL
Authors Andrew Vardy, Franz Oppacher
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