

Low power and EMI, high frequency, crystal oscillator

14 years 6 months ago
Low power and EMI, high frequency, crystal oscillator
The high-frequency oscillator is one of the major causes of both high power consumption and high ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI) in Embedded Systems (ES). This paper presents a high frequency oscillator circuit that reduces substantially both power consumption and EMI, compared to high frequency oscillators currently in use. Using this oscillator spares the need for special isolation techniques used to reduce EMI in ES. It further saves the need for an additional low frequency oscillator that is used for reducing power consumption. The oscillator is designed for frequencies in the range of 10-60MHz. It consumes 350uA at 40.96MHz with a 5V power supply.
Rafael Fried, Reuven Holzer
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Rafael Fried, Reuven Holzer
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