

Low-power fanout optimization using MTCMOS and multi-Vt techniques

14 years 7 months ago
Low-power fanout optimization using MTCMOS and multi-Vt techniques
This paper addresses the problem of low-power fanout optimization. We show that due to neglecting short-circuit current, previous analytical techniques proposed to optimize the area of a fanout tree may result in excessive power consumption. This shows, to achieve a low-power fanout tree, an accurate power consumption model should be used as the objective function. Moreover, we propose an efficient method to minimize the total power consumption of a fanout tree by using MTCMOS and Multi-Vt techniques. Experimental results show that depending on the activity factor of the circuit, the proposed technique can reduce the power consumption of the fanout tree 18% to 45%. Categories and Subject Descriptors B.6.3 [Design Aids]: Automatic synthesis, Optimization General Terms Algorithms, Design, Performance Keywords Low-power design, fanout optimization, fanout tree, buffer chain
Behnam Amelifard, Farzan Fallah, Massoud Pedram
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Behnam Amelifard, Farzan Fallah, Massoud Pedram
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