Type Run Description MAP Official A UTen English ASR 0.0031 A UTt hs-t2-nm Top-2 concepts from t hs graph method with neighbor multiply 0.0137 A UTwiki-t2-nm Top-2 Wikipedia concepts with neighbor multiply 0.0131 A UTwiki-t2-en-nm Top-2 Wikipedia concepts and English ASR with neighbor multiply 0.0107 A UTwiki-t2-nl-nm Top-2 Wikipedia concepts and Dutch ASR with neighbor multiply 0.0096 A UTwordnet-t2-mult Top-2 Wordnet concepts with neighbor multiply 0.0083 Additional A UTnl Dutch ASR 0.0031 A UTwikiS-t2-nT Top-2 Wikipedia concepts on stemmed queries with neighbor using the concept detector scores from the B tsinghua-icrc 5 run 0.0410 A UTt hs-t2-n Top-2 concepts from t hs graph method of stemmed queries with neighbor the concept detector scores from the B tsinghua-icrc 5 run 0.0346 I UTinter-wiki-nm Interactive Search Task using Wikipedia concepts with neighbor multiply 0.0405 I UTinter-en Interactive Search Task using ASR based search 0.0338 In this report we summarize our methods ...