Abstract--In mobile networks, the traffic fluctuation is unpredictable due to mobility and varying resource requirement of multimedia applications. Hence, it is essential to maintain traffic within the network capacity to provide service guarantees to running applications. This paper proposes an admission control (AC) scheme in a mobile cellular environment supporting hand-off and new application traffic. In the case of multimedia applications, each applications has its own distinct range of acceptable quality of service (QoS) requirements (e.g., packet loss, delay, jitter, etc.). The network provides the service by maintaining the application specified QoS range. We propose a linear programming resource reduction (LP-RR) principle for admission control by maintaining QoS guarantees to existing applications and to increase the percentage of admission to hand-off and new applications. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are used to solve linear programming problem, which facilitates in re...
B. P. Vijay Kumar, P. Venkataram