

Ludics and Its Applications to Natural Language Semantics

14 years 9 months ago
Ludics and Its Applications to Natural Language Semantics
Abstract. Proofs in Ludics, have an interpretation provided by their counter-proofs, that is the objects they interact with. We shall follow the same idea by proposing that sentence meanings are given by the counter-meanings they are opposed to in a dialectical interaction. In this aim, we shall develop many concepts of Ludics like designs (which generalize proofs), cut-nets, orthogonality and behaviours (that is sets of designs which are equal to their bi-orthogonal). Behaviours give statements their interactive meaning. Such a conception may be viewed at the intersection between prooftheoretic and game-theoretical accounts of semantics, but it enlarges them by allowing to deal with possibly infinite processes instead of getting stuck to an atomic level when decomposing a formula. 1 Meanings, Proofs and Games The dominant trend in Natural Language Semantics is based on Frege’s conceptions on Logics and Language according to which the meaning of a sentence may be expressed in terms ...
Alain Lecomte, Myriam Quatrini
Added 25 May 2010
Updated 25 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Alain Lecomte, Myriam Quatrini
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