

LyberWorld: a 3D graphical user interface for fulltext retrieval

14 years 4 months ago
LyberWorld: a 3D graphical user interface for fulltext retrieval
ld is a prototype IR user interface. It implements visualizations of an abstract information space – fulltext. The presentation demonstrates a visual user interface for the probabilistic fulltext retrieval system INQUERY. Visualizations are used to communicate information search and browsing activities in a natural way by applying metaphors of spatial navigation in abstract information spaces. Visualization tools for exploring information spaces and judging relevance of information items are introduced and an example session demonstrates the prototype. The presence of a spatial model in the user’s mind and interaction with a system’s corresponding display methods is regarded as an essential contribution towards natural interaction and reduction of cognitive costs during, e.g., query construction, orientation within the database content, relevance judgement and orientation within the retrieval context.
Matthias Hemmje
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where CHI
Authors Matthias Hemmje
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