

MAC for Networks with Multipacket Reception Capability and Spatially Distributed Nodes

14 years 8 months ago
MAC for Networks with Multipacket Reception Capability and Spatially Distributed Nodes
—The physical layer of future wireless networks will be based on novel radio technologies such as UWB and MIMO. One of the important capabilities of such technologies is the ability to capture a few packets simultaneously. This capability has the potential to improve the performance of the MAC layer. However, we show that in networks with spatially distributed nodes, reusing backoff mechanisms originally designed for narrow-band systems (e.g. CSMA/CA) is inefficient. It is well known that when networks with spatially distributed nodes operate with such MAC protocols, the channel may be captured by nodes that are near the destination, leading to unfairness. We show that when the physical layer enables multipacket reception, the negative implications of reusing the legacy protocols include not only such unfairness but also a significant throughput reduction. We present alternative backoff mechanisms and evaluate their performance via Markovian analysis and simulation. We show that ou...
Guner D. Celik, Gil Zussman, Wajahat F. Khan, Eyta
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Guner D. Celik, Gil Zussman, Wajahat F. Khan, Eytan Modiano
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