

MACA-P: A MAC for Concurrent Transmissions in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

15 years 1 months ago
MACA-P: A MAC for Concurrent Transmissions in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
: This paper presents the initial design and performance study of MACA-P, a RTS/CTS based MAC protocol that enables simultaneous transmissions in multihop ad-hoc wireless networks. Providing such low-cost multihop and high performance wireless access networks is an important enabler of pervasive computing. MACA-P is a set of enhancements to the 802.11 DCF that allows parallel transmissions in many situations when two neighboring nodes are either both receivers or both transmitters, but a receiver and a transmitter are not neighbors. Like 802.11, MACA-P contains a contention-based reservation phase prior to data transmission. However, the data transmission is delayed by a control phase interval, which allows multiple sender-receiver pairs to synchronize their data transfers, thereby avoiding collisions and improving system throughput. I. II.
Arup Acharya, Archan Misra, Sorav Bansal
Added 24 Dec 2009
Updated 24 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Arup Acharya, Archan Misra, Sorav Bansal
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