

The MACODO organization model for context-driven dynamic agent organizations

13 years 10 months ago
The MACODO organization model for context-driven dynamic agent organizations
stractions that support application developers to describe dynamic organizations. The organization model is part of an integrated approach, called MACODO: Middleware Architecture for COntext-driven Dynamic agent Organizations. The complementary part of the MACODO approach is a middleware platform that supports the ted execution of dynamic organizations specified using the abstractions, as described in [Weyns et al. 2009]. In the model, the life-cycle management of dynamic organizations is separated from the agents: organizations are first-class citizens, and their dynamics are governed by laws. The laws specify how changes in the system (e.g. an agent joins an organization) and changes in the context (e.g. information observed in the environment) lead to dynamic reorganizations. As such, the model makes it easier to understand and specify dynamic organizations in multi-agent systems, and promotes reusing the life-cycle management of dynamic organizations. The tion model is formally des...
Danny Weyns, Robrecht Haesevoets, Alexander Helleb
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TAAS
Authors Danny Weyns, Robrecht Haesevoets, Alexander Helleboogh
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