

The mad hatter's cocktail party: a social mobile audio space supporting multiple simultaneous conversations

15 years 3 months ago
The mad hatter's cocktail party: a social mobile audio space supporting multiple simultaneous conversations
This paper presents a mobile audio space intended for use by gelled social groups. In face-to-face interactions in such social groups, conversational floors change frequently, e.g., two participants split off to form a new conversational floor, a participant moves from one conversational floor to another, etc. To date, audio spaces have provided little support for such dynamic regroupings of participants, either requiring that the participants explicitly specify with whom they wish to talk or simply presenting all participants as though they are in a single floor. By contrast, the audio space described here monitors participant behavior to identify conversational floors as they emerge. The system dynamically modifies the audio delivered to each participant to enhance the salience of the participants with whom they are currently conversing. We report a user study of the system, focusing on conversation analytic results. Keywords Audio space, floor management, conversation analysis.
Paul M. Aoki, Matthew Romaine, Margaret H. Szymans
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CHI
Authors Paul M. Aoki, Matthew Romaine, Margaret H. Szymanski, James D. Thornton, Daniel Wilson, Allison Woodruff
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