

Madeleine II: a Portable and Efficient Communication Library for High-Performance Cluster Computing

14 years 6 months ago
Madeleine II: a Portable and Efficient Communication Library for High-Performance Cluster Computing
This paper introduces MadeleineII, a new adaptive and portable multi-protocol implementation of the Madeleine communication library. MadeleineII has the ability to control multiple network interfaces (BIP, SISCI, VIA) and multiple network adapters (Ethernet, Myrinet, SCI) within the same application session. We report on performance measurements obtained using BIP/Myrinet and SISCI/SCI and we present preliminary results about our MPICH/MadeleineII and Nexus/Madeleine II ports. We also discuss an extension of MadeleineII for clusters of clusters which is able to handle heterogeneous networks. In particular, we present the fast internal data-forwarding mechanism that is used on gateway nodes to speed up intercluster transmissions. Preliminary experiments show that the resulting inter-cluster bandwidth is close to the one delivered by the hardware.
Olivier Aumage, Luc Bougé, Alexandre Denis,
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Olivier Aumage, Luc Bougé, Alexandre Denis, Jean-François Méhaut, Guillaume Mercier, Raymond Namyst, Loïc Prylli
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