Real Time Tomographic Reflection (RTTR) permits in situ visualization of ultrasound images so that direct hand-eye coordination can be employed during invasive procedures. The method merges the visual outer surface of a patient with a simultaneous ultrasound scan of the patient’s interior. It combines a flat-panel monitor with a half-silvered mirror such that the image on the monitor is reflected precisely into the proper location within the patient. The ultrasound image is superimposed in real time on the patient merging with the operator's hands and any invasive tools in the field of view. We aim to extend this method to remote procedures at different scales, in particular to realtime in vivo tomographic microscopic imaging modalities such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ultrasound backscatter microscopy (USB). This paper reports our first working prototype using a mechanically linked system to magnify ultrasound-guided manipulation by a factor of four.
George D. Stetten, Vikram S. Chib