

Maintaining Arc-Consistency within Dynamic Backtracking

14 years 4 months ago
Maintaining Arc-Consistency within Dynamic Backtracking
Most of complete search algorithms over Constraint Satisfaction Problems (csp) are based on Standard Backtracking. Two main enhancements of this basic scheme have been proposed : rst, to integrate constraint propagation as mac which maintains arc consistency during search second, intelligent backtrackers which avoid repeatedly falling in the same dead-ends by recording nogoods as Con ict-directed BackJumping (cbj) or Dynamic Backtracking (dbt). Integrations of constraint propagation within intelligent backtrackers have been proposed as mac-cbj which maintains arc consistency in cbj.However, Bessiere and Regin have shown that mac-cbj was very rarely better than mac. However, the inadequacy of mac-cbj is more related to the fact that cbj does not avoid thrashing1 than to the cost of the management of nogoods. This paper describes and evaluates mac-dbt which maintains arc-consistency in dbt. Experiments show that mac-dbt is able to solve very large problems and that it remains very stable...
Narendra Jussien, Romuald Debruyne, Patrice Boizum
Added 02 Aug 2010
Updated 02 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where CP
Authors Narendra Jussien, Romuald Debruyne, Patrice Boizumault
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