

Maintaining a Jointly Constructed Student Model

14 years 4 months ago
Maintaining a Jointly Constructed Student Model
Allowing the student to have some control over the diagnosis inspecting and changing the model the system has made of him is a feasible approach in student modelling which tracks the dynamics of student behaviour and provides for reflective learning. We present an approach for maintaining the student model in interactive diagnosis where a computer and a student discuss about the student's knowledge. A belief modal operator is adapted to model the knowledge of the learner and to help in maintaining the interaction between the computer system and the learner. A mechanism for finding agreements and conflicts between system and learner’s views is described.
Vania Dimitrova, John A. Self, Paul Brna
Added 01 Aug 2010
Updated 01 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Vania Dimitrova, John A. Self, Paul Brna
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