

Maintaining a Large Matching or a Small Vertex Cover

14 years 12 months ago
Maintaining a Large Matching or a Small Vertex Cover
We consider the problem of maintaining a large matching or a small vertex cover in a dynamically changing graph. Each update to the graph is either an edge deletion or an edge insertion. We give the first data structure that simultaneously achieves a constant approximation factor and handles a sequence of k updates in k ? polylog(n) time. Previous data structures require a polynomial amount of computation per update. The starting point of our construction is a distributed algorithm of Parnas and Ron (Theor. Comput. Sci. 2007), which they designed for their sublinear-time approximation algorithm for the vertex cover size. This leads us to wonder whether there are other connections between sublinear algorithms and dynamic data structures.
Krzysztof Onak and Ronitt Rubinfeld
Added 01 Mar 2010
Updated 02 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where STOC
Authors Krzysztof Onak and Ronitt Rubinfeld
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