

Maintaining Recursive Views of Regions and Connectivity in Networks

14 years 1 months ago
Maintaining Recursive Views of Regions and Connectivity in Networks
— The data management community has recently begun to consider declarative network routing and distributed acquisition: e.g., sensor networks that execute queries about contiguous regions, declarative networks that maintain shortest paths, and distributed and peer-to-peer stream systems that detect transitive relationships among data at the distributed sources. In each case, the fundamental operation is to maintain a view over dynamic network state. This view is typically distributed, recursive, and may contain aggregation, e.g., describing shortest paths or least costly paths. Surprisingly, solutions to computing such views are often domain-specific, expensive, and incomplete. We recast the problem as incremental recursive view maintenance given distributed streams of updates to tuples: new stream data becomes insert operations and tuple expirations become deletions. We develop techniques to maintain compact information about tuple derivability or data provenance. We complement thi...
Mengmeng Liu, Nicholas E. Taylor, Wenchao Zhou, Za
Added 31 Jan 2011
Updated 31 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TKDE
Authors Mengmeng Liu, Nicholas E. Taylor, Wenchao Zhou, Zachary G. Ives, Boon Thau Loo
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