

Making space for stories: ambiguity in the design of personal communication systems

15 years 6 days ago
Making space for stories: ambiguity in the design of personal communication systems
Pervasive personal communication technologies offer the potential for important social benefits for individual users, but also the potential for significant social difficulties and costs. In research on face-to-face social interaction, ambiguity is often identified as an important resource for resolving social difficulties. In this paper, we discuss two design cases of personal communication systems, one based on fieldwork of a commercial system and another based on an unrealized design concept. The cases illustrate how user behavior concerning a particular social difficulty, unexplained unresponsiveness, can be influenced by technological issues that result in interactional ambiguity. The cases also highlight the need to balance the utility of ambiguity against the utility of usability and communicative clarity. Author Keywords Mediated communication, ambiguity, face-work, push-totalk, leases. ACM Classification Keywords H.4.3 [Information Systems Applications]: Communications Applic...
Paul M. Aoki, Allison Woodruff
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Paul M. Aoki, Allison Woodruff
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