

Management and Query Processing of One-Dimensional Intervals with the UB-Tree

14 years 4 months ago
Management and Query Processing of One-Dimensional Intervals with the UB-Tree
The management and query processing of one dimensional intervals is a special case of extended object handling. One dimensional intervals play an important role in temporal databases and they can also be used for fuzzy matching, fuzzy logic and measuring quality classes, etc. Most existing multidimensional access methods for extended objects do not address this special problem and most of them are main memory access methods that do not support efficient access to secondary storage. The research in the application of the UB-Tree to extended objects is part of my doctoral work. The contribution of this article is a specific solution for managing and querying one dimensional intervals with the UB-Tree, a multidimensional extension of the classical B-Tree. The combination of UB-Tree and transformation of extended objects to parameter space is an effective solution for this specific problem.
Robert Fenk
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where EDBT
Authors Robert Fenk
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