

Managing Expectations for Open Access in Greece: Perceptions from the Publishers and Academic Libraries

14 years 6 months ago
Managing Expectations for Open Access in Greece: Perceptions from the Publishers and Academic Libraries
In Greece, there seems to be a growing level of awareness regarding open access among scholars, faculty staff and information professionals. Indeed, consensus regarding the necessity of open access initiatives in Greece is gradually established. The present of open access in other European settings may however be revealing the expected, though distinct, future of open access in Greece. This work focuses upon some current aspects for open access and attempts to investigate them for the Greek setting. The investigation includes five (5) important aspects of open access, i.e. a) ETDs management from the academic libraries, b) university repositories development, c) regulation of digital and/or printed scientific material quality requirements, d) cooperation and competition between libraries and academic publishers, e) understanding the role of scientific work dissemination in developing future professionals and scholars. The paper initially provides an outline for the Greek publishing in...
G. Christina Banou, A. Petros Kostagiolas
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors G. Christina Banou, A. Petros Kostagiolas
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