

Managing Multi-Mode Tasks with Time Cost and Quality Levels using Optimal Discrete Control Synthesis

14 years 5 months ago
Managing Multi-Mode Tasks with Time Cost and Quality Levels using Optimal Discrete Control Synthesis
Real-time control systems are complex to design, and automation support is important. We are interested in systems with multiple tasks, each with multiple modes, implementing a functionality with different levels of quality (e.g., computation approximation), and cost (e.g., computation time, energy). It is complex to control the switching of modes in order to insure properties like bounding cost while maximizing quality. We outline a technique for the automatic generation of such controllers involving an automaton-based formal model, and using optimal discrete control synthesis.
Hervé Marchand, Éric Rutten
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Hervé Marchand, Éric Rutten
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