

Many-objective Distinct Candidates Optimization using Differential Evolution on centrifugal pump design problems

14 years 3 months ago
Many-objective Distinct Candidates Optimization using Differential Evolution on centrifugal pump design problems
Many-objective problems are difficult to solve using conventional multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) as these algorithms rely primarily on Pareto ranking to guide the search. This enforces only little selection pressure in a many-objective setting, since the population tends to become fully nondominated. A more feasible approach is to discover a low number of solutions within a region of interest on the true Pareto front. Here, a convergent secondary selection criterion guide the search toward optimal regions of interest that may incorporate decision maker preferences. However, diversity must also be taken into account to ensure that the population does not converge prematurely. In this paper, candidate distinctiveness is measured and controlled based on the novel relaxed objective distance (ROD) measure, which enables the decision maker to control the desired level of diversity for each objective. The Many-Objective Distinct Candidates Optimization using Differential Evol...
Peter Dueholm Justesen, Rasmus K. Ursem
Added 08 Nov 2010
Updated 08 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CEC
Authors Peter Dueholm Justesen, Rasmus K. Ursem
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