

Map operations and k-orbit maps

14 years 1 months ago
Map operations and k-orbit maps
A k-orbit map is a map with k flag-orbits under the action of its automorphism group. We give a basic theory of k-orbit maps and classify them up to k 4. “Hurwitz-like” upper bounds for the cardinality of the automorphism groups of 2orbit and 3-orbit maps on surfaces are given. Furthermore, we consider effects of operations like medial and truncation on k-orbit maps and use them in classifying 2-orbit and 3-orbit maps on surfaces of small genus. MSC (2000): Primary: 51M20; Secondary: 05C10, 05C30, 52B70. Key words: maps, monodromy groups, medials of maps, truncations of maps, polyhedra, k-orbit maps.
Alen Orbanic, Daniel Pellicer, Asia Ivic Weiss
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where JCT
Authors Alen Orbanic, Daniel Pellicer, Asia Ivic Weiss
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