

Mapping between Levels in the Metamodel Architecture

14 years 7 months ago
Mapping between Levels in the Metamodel Architecture
The Meta-Modeling Language is a static object-oriented modeling language whose focus is the declarative definition of languages. It aims to enable the UML metamodel to be precisely defined, and to enable UML to evolve into a family of languages. This paper argues that although MML takes a metamodeling approach to language definition, it cannot be described as strict metamodeling. This has significant implications for the nature of the metamodel architecture it supports, yet without contravening the OMG’s requirements for the UML 2.0 infrastructure. In particular it supports a rich generic nested architecture as opposed to the linear architecture that strict metamodeling imposes. In this nested architecture, the transformation of any model between its representations at two adjacent metalevels can be described by an information preserving one-to-one mapping. This mapping, which can itself be defined in UML, provides the basis for a powerful area of functionality that any potential met...
José M. Álvarez, Andy Evans, Paul Sa
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where UML
Authors José M. Álvarez, Andy Evans, Paul Sammut
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