

Mapping paradigm for document transformation

14 years 4 months ago
Mapping paradigm for document transformation
Since the advent of XML, the ability to transform documents using transformation languages such as XSLT has become an important challenge. However, writing a transformation script (e.g. an XSLT stylesheet) is still an expert task. This paper proposes a simpler way to transform documents by defining a relation between two schemas expressed through our mapping language. And then by using a transformation process that applies the mapping instances of the schemas. Thus, a user only needs to focus on the mapping without having any knowledge about how a transformation language and its processor work. This paper outlines our mapping approach and language, and illustrates them with an example. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.7 [Document and text Processing]: Document Preparation--Markup languages General Terms Design, languages Keywords XML, document transformation, mapping, XSLT
Arnaud Blouin, Olivier Beaudoux
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 14 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Arnaud Blouin, Olivier Beaudoux
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