

Mapping an Unfriendly Subway System

14 years 7 months ago
Mapping an Unfriendly Subway System
We consider a class of highly dynamic networks modelled on an urban subway system. We examine the problem of creating a map of such a subway in less than ideal conditions, where the local residents are not enthusiastic about the process and there is a limited ability to communicate amongst the mappers. More precisely, we study the problem of a team of asynchronous computational entities (the mapping agents) determining the location of black holes in a highly dynamic graph, whose edges are defined by the asynchronous movements of mobile entities (the subway carriers). We present and analyze a solution protocol. The algorithm solves the problem with the minimum number of agents possible. We also establish lower bounds on the number of carrier moves in the worst case, showing that our protocol is also move-optimal.
Paola Flocchini, Matthew Kellett, Peter C. Mason,
Added 19 Jul 2010
Updated 19 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where FUN
Authors Paola Flocchini, Matthew Kellett, Peter C. Mason, Nicola Santoro
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