The goal of the MKRP project is the development of a theorem prover which can be used as an inference engine in various applications, in particular it should be capable of proving significant mathematical theorems. Our first implementation, the Markgraf Karl Refutation Procedure1 (MKRP) realizes some of the ideas we have developed to this end. It is a general purpose resolution based deduction system that exploits the representation of formulae as a graph (clause graph). The main features are its well tailored selection components, heuristics and control mechanisms for guiding the search for a proof. This paper gives an overview of the system. It summarizes and evaluates our experience with the system in particular, and the logics we use as well as the clause graph approach: as 1990 marks the fifteenth birthday of the system, the time may have come to ask: “Was it worth the effort?” Key words: automated deduction, resolution, clause graphs, sorted logics. The project was supported ...
Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, Jörg H. Siekmann