

Matchability and k-maximal matchings

13 years 10 months ago
Matchability and k-maximal matchings
We present a collection of new structural, algorithmic, and complexity results for two types of matching problems. The first problem involves the computation of k-maximal matchings, where a matching is k-maximal if it admits no augmenting path with ≤ 2k vertices. The second involves finding a maximal set of vertices that is matchable — comprising one side of the edges in some matching. Among our results, we prove that the minimum cardinality β2 of a 2-maximal matching is at most the minimum cardinality µ of a maximal matchable set, with equality attained for triangle-free graphs. We show that the parameters β2 and µ are NP-hard to compute in bipartite and chordal graphs, but can be computed in linear time on a tree. Finally, we also give a simple linear-time algorithm for finding a 3-maximal matching, a consequence of which is a simple linear-time 3/4-approximation algorithm for the maximum-cardinality matching problem in a general graph.
Brian C. Dean, Sandra Mitchell Hedetniemi, Stephen
Added 13 May 2011
Updated 13 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where DAM
Authors Brian C. Dean, Sandra Mitchell Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Jason Lewis, Alice A. McRae
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