

Matching Groups of People by Covariance Descriptor

13 years 11 months ago
Matching Groups of People by Covariance Descriptor
In this paper, we present a new solution to the problem of matching groups of people across multiple nonoverlapping cameras. Similar to the problem of matching individuals across cameras, matching groups of people also faces challenges such as variations of illumination conditions, poses and camera parameters. Moreover, people often swap their positions while walking in a group. In this paper, we propose to use covariance descriptor in appearance matching of group images. Covariance descriptor is shown to be a discriminative descriptor which captures both appearance and statistical properties of image regions. Furthermore, it presents a natural way of combining multiple heterogeneous features together with a relatively low dimensionality. Experimental results on two different datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Yinghao Cai, Valtteri Takala, Matti Pietikäin
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICPR
Authors Yinghao Cai, Valtteri Takala, Matti Pietikäinen
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