

Matching as a non-cooperative game

14 years 19 days ago
Matching as a non-cooperative game
With this paper we offer a game-theoretic perspective for the all-pervasive matching problem in computer vision. Specifically, we formulate the matching problem as a (population) non-cooperative game where the potential associations between the items to be matched correspond to (pure) strategies, while payoffs reflect the degree of compatibility between competing hypotheses. Within this formulation, the solutions of the matching problem correspond to evolutionary stable states (ESS's), a robust population-based generalization of the notion of a Nash equilibrium. In order to find ESS's of our matching game, we propose using a novel, fast evolutionary game dynamics motivated by Darwinian selection processes, which let the pure strategies play against each other until an equilibrium is reached. A distinguishing feature of the proposed framework is that it allows one to naturally deal with general many-to-many matching problems even in the presence of asymmetric compatibilities....
Andrea Albarelli, Samuel Rota Bulò, Andrea
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICCV
Authors Andrea Albarelli, Samuel Rota Bulò, Andrea Torsello, Marcello Pelillo
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