

Matching ottoman words: an image retrieval approach to historical document indexing

14 years 6 months ago
Matching ottoman words: an image retrieval approach to historical document indexing
Large archives of Ottoman documents are challenging to many historians all over the world. However, these archives remain inaccessible since manual transcription of such a huge volume is difficult. Automatic transcription is required, but due to the characteristics of Ottoman documents, character recognition based systems may not yield satisfactory results. It is also desirable to store the documents in image form since the documents may contain important drawings, especially the signatures. Due to these reasons, in this study we treat the problem as an image retrieval problem with the view that Ottoman words are images, and we propose a solution based on image matching techniques. The bag-of-visterms approach, which is shown to be successful to classify objects and scenes, is adapted for matching word images. Each word image is represented by a set of visual terms which are obtained by vector quantization of SIFT descriptors extracted from salient points. Similar words are then matc...
Esra Ataer, Pinar Duygulu
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CIVR
Authors Esra Ataer, Pinar Duygulu
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