Matchmaking is the process of mediating demand and supply based on profile information. Matchmaking plays a crucial role in agent-based electronic marketplaces: the problem to be solved is to find the most appropriate agents, products, or services for a task, negotiation, or market transaction. Most real-world problems require multidimensional matchmaking, i.e., the ability to combine various dimensions of decision-making to define an overall solution to a matchmaking problem, requiring the interplay of multiple matchmaking algorithms. In addition, in order to be applicable for real-world applications, the matchmaking component must be easily integrated into standard industrial marketplace platforms. The work described in this work aims at deploying agent-based matchmaking for industrial electronic business applications. The main contributions of this work are the following: (i) we provide a configurable framework called GRAPPA (Generic Request Architecture for Passive Provider Agents...
Daniel Veit, Jörg P. Müller, Martin Schn