

Materialized Views and Data Warehouses

14 years 3 months ago
Materialized Views and Data Warehouses
A data warehouse is a redundant collection of data replicated from several possibly distributed and loosely coupled source databases, organized to answer OLAP queries. Relational views are used both as a speci cation technique and as an execution plan for the derivation of the warehouse data. In this position paper, we summarize the versatility of relational views and their potential. 1 Views The importance of the \algebraic closedness" of the relational model has not been recognized enough in its 27 years of existence. Although a lot of energy has been consumed on dogmatizing on the \relational purity", on its interface simplicity, on its mathematical foundation, etc., there has not been a single paper with a central focus on the importance of relational views, their versatility, and their yet-tobe exploited potential. What is a relational view? Is it a program? Is it data? Is it an index? Is it an OLAP aggregate? It is all these. And a lot more. Below I summarize the most ...
Nick Roussopoulos
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where KRDB
Authors Nick Roussopoulos
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