

Materialized Views in Oracle

14 years 4 months ago
Materialized Views in Oracle
Oracle Materialized Views (MVs) are designed for data warehousing and replication. For data warehousing, MVs based on inner/outer equijoins with optional aggregation, can be refreshed on transaction boundaries, on demand, or periodically. Refreshes are optimized for bulk loads and can use a multi-MV scheduler. MVs based on subqueries on remote tables support bidirectional replication. Optimization with MVs includes transparent query rewrite based on costbased selection method. The ability to rewrite a large class of queries based on a small set of MVs is supported by using Dimensions (new Oracle object), losslessness of joins, functional dependency, column equivalence, join derivability, joinback and aggregate rollup.
Randall G. Bello, Karl Dias, Alan Downing, James J
Added 06 Aug 2010
Updated 06 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where VLDB
Authors Randall G. Bello, Karl Dias, Alan Downing, James J. Feenan Jr., James L. Finnerty, William D. Norcott, Harry Sun, Andrew Witkowski, Mohamed Ziauddin
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