

A MAX-MIN ant system for unconstrained multi-level lot-sizing problems

14 years 3 months ago
A MAX-MIN ant system for unconstrained multi-level lot-sizing problems
In this paper we present an ant-based algorithm for solving unconstrained multi-level lot-sizing problems called ant system for multi-level lot-sizing algorithm (ASMLLS). We apply a hybrid approach where we use ant colony optimization in order to find a good lot-sizing sequence, i.e. a sequence of the different items in the product structure in which we apply a modified Wagner-Whitin algorithm for each item separately. Based on the setup costs each ant generates a sequence of items. Afterwards a simple single stage lotsizing rule is applied with modified setup costs. This modification of the setup costs depends on the position of the item in the lot-sizing sequence, on the items which have been lot-sized before, and on two further parameters, which are tried to be improved by a systematic search. For small-sized problems ASMLLS is among the best algorithms, but for most medium and large-sized problems it outperforms all other approaches regarding solution quality as well as compu...
Rapeepan Pitakaso, Christian Almeder, Karl F. Doer
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where COR
Authors Rapeepan Pitakaso, Christian Almeder, Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl
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