

On Maximal S-Free Convex Sets

13 years 9 months ago
On Maximal S-Free Convex Sets
Let S ⊆ Zn satisfy the property that conv(S) ∩ Zn = S. Then a convex set K is called an S-free convex set if int(K) ∩ S = ∅. A maximal S-free convex set is an S-free convex set that is not properly contained in any S-free convex set. We show that maximal S-free convex sets are polyhedra. This result generalizes a result of Basu et al. [6] for the case where S is the set of integer points in a rational polyhedron and a result of Lov´asz [18] and Basu et al. [5] for the case where S is the set of integer points in some affine subspace of Rn. Key words. Integer nonlinear programming, Cutting planes, Maximal lattice-free convex sets AMS subject classifications. 90C11, 90C57
Diego A. Morán R., Santanu S. Dey
Added 15 May 2011
Updated 15 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Diego A. Morán R., Santanu S. Dey
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