

Maximizing Transport Capacity for Geographic Transmission on Nakagami-m Channels

14 years 8 months ago
Maximizing Transport Capacity for Geographic Transmission on Nakagami-m Channels
—In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), conventional packet forwarding schemes that pre-select the next-hop receivers for a packet may fail if the channel coherence time is on the order of the typical packet duration because the pre-selected node may often suffer a deep fade for the duration of the packet. An alternative approach is geographic transmission, in which the packet is transmitted in the direction of the destination, but the next-hop forwarding node is selected among those nodes that are in the direction of the destination and that correctly recover the message. This approach takes advantage of multi-user diversity to significantly improve the probability of the packet being correctly received by a forwarding agent. However, this approach places additional burden on the energies of the mobile nodes if the forwarding scheme requires all of the next-hop neighbors of the transmitter (that are in the direction of the destination) attempt to receive a transmitted message. In this...
Tathagata D. Goswami, John M. Shea, Tan F. Wong, M
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Tathagata D. Goswami, John M. Shea, Tan F. Wong, Murali Rao, Joseph Glover
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