

Maxwell Construction: The Hidden Bridge Between Iterative and Maximum a Posteriori Decoding

14 years 1 months ago
Maxwell Construction: The Hidden Bridge Between Iterative and Maximum a Posteriori Decoding
There is a fundamental relationship between belief propagation and maximum a posteriori decoding. A decoding algorithm, which we call the Maxwell decoder, is introduced and provides a constructive description of this relationship. Both, the algorithm itself and the analysis of the new decoder are reminiscent of the Maxwell construction in thermodynamics. This paper investigates in detail the case of transmission over the binary erasure channel, while the extension to general binary memoryless channels is discussed in a companion paper.
Cyril Measson, Andrea Montanari, Rüdiger L. U
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where TIT
Authors Cyril Measson, Andrea Montanari, Rüdiger L. Urbanke
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