

McMillan's Complete Prefix for Contextual Nets

14 years 3 months ago
McMillan's Complete Prefix for Contextual Nets
Abstract. In a seminal paper, McMillan proposed a technique for constructing a finite complete prefix of the unfolding of bounded (i.e., finitestate) Petri nets, which can be used for verification purposes. Contextual nets are a generalisation of Petri nets suited to model systems with readonly access to resources. When working with contextual nets, a finite complete prefix can be obtained by applying McMillan's construction to a suitable encoding of the contextual net into an ordinary net. However, it has been observed that if the unfolding is itself a contextual net, then the complete prefix can be significantly smaller than the one obtained with the above technique. A construction for generating such a contextual complete prefix has been proposed for a special class of nets, called read-persistent. In this paper we propose a new algorithm that works for arbitrary semi-weighted, bounded contextual nets. The construction explicitly takes into account the fact that, unlike ordinar...
Paolo Baldan, Andrea Corradini, Barbara König
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Paolo Baldan, Andrea Corradini, Barbara König, Stefan Schwoon
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