Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation involves solving Newton’s equations of motion for a system of atoms, by calculating forces and updating atomic positions and velocities over a timestep ∆t. Despite the large amount of computing power currently available, the timescale of MD simulations is limited by both the small timestep required for propagation, and the expensive algorithm for computing pairwise forces. These issues are currently addressed through the development of efficient simulation methods, some of which make acceptable approximations and as a result can afford larger timesteps. We present MDLab, a development environment for MD simulations built with Python which facilitates prototyping, testing, and debugging of these methods. MDLab provides constructs which allow the development of propagators, force calculators, and high level sampling protocols that run several instances of molecular dynamics. For computationally demanding sampling protocols which require testing on...
Trevor M. Cickovski, Santanu Chatterjee, Jacob Wen