

MDM: a Multiple-Data-Model Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Database Schemes

14 years 6 months ago
MDM: a Multiple-Data-Model Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Database Schemes
MDM is a tool that enables the users to de ne schemes of di erent data models and to perform translations of schemes from one model to another. These functionalities can be at the basis of a customizable and integrated CASE environment supporting the analysis and design of information systems. MDM has two main components: the Model Manager and the Schema Manager. The Model Manager supports a specialized user, the model engineer, in the de nition of a variety of models, on the basis of a limited set of metaconstructs covering almost all known conceptual models. The Schema Manager allows designers to create and modify schemes over the de ned models, and to generate at each time a translation of a scheme into any of the data models currently available. Translations between models are automatically derived, at de nition time, by combining a prede ned set of elementary transformations, which implement the standard translations between simple combinations of constructs.
Paolo Atzeni, Riccardo Torlone
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Authors Paolo Atzeni, Riccardo Torlone
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