

Mean Square Residue Biclustering with Missing Data and Row Inversions

14 years 7 months ago
Mean Square Residue Biclustering with Missing Data and Row Inversions
Cheng and Church proposed a greedy deletion-addition algorithm to find a given number of k biclusters, whose mean squared residues (MSRs) are below certain thresholds and the missing values in the matrix are replaced with random numbers. In our previous paper we introduced the dual biclustering method with quadratic optimization to missing data and row inversions. In this paper, we modified the dual biclustering method with quadratic optimization and added three new features. First, we introduce ”row status” for each row in a bicluster where we add and also delete rows from biclusters based on their status in order to find min MSR. We compare our results with Cheng and Church’s approach where they inverse rows while adding them to the biclusters. We select the row or the negated row not only at addition, but also at deletion and show improvement. Second, we give a prove for the theorem introduced by Cheng and Church in [4]. Since, missing data often occur in the given data mat...
Stefan Gremalschi, Gulsah Altun, Irina Astrovskaya
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Stefan Gremalschi, Gulsah Altun, Irina Astrovskaya, Alexander Zelikovsky
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