

The Measurement and Modeling of a P2P Streaming Video Service

14 years 1 months ago
The Measurement and Modeling of a P2P Streaming Video Service
Most of the work on grid technology in the video area has been generally restricted to aspects of resource scheduling and replica management. The traffic of such a service has a lot of characteristics in common with that of the traditional video service. However the architecture and user behavior in grid networks are quite different from those of the traditional Internet. Considering the potential of grid networks and video sharing services, measuring and analyzing P2P IPTV traffic are important and fundamental works in the field of grid networks. This paper investigates the features of PPLive, the most popular streaming service in China and based on P2P technology. Through monitoring and analyzing PPLive traffic streams, the characteristics of P2P streaming services have been studied. The analyses are carried out in respect of bearing protocols, geographical distribution and the selfsimilarity properties of the traffic. A streaming service traffic model has been created and verified w...
Peng Gao, Tao Liu, Yanming Chen, Xingyao Wu, Yehia
Added 09 Nov 2010
Updated 09 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Peng Gao, Tao Liu, Yanming Chen, Xingyao Wu, Yehia El-khatib, Christopher Edwards
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