

Measurement Study on PPLive Based on Channel Popularity

13 years 6 months ago
Measurement Study on PPLive Based on Channel Popularity
Abstract—In recent years, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) streaming systems experienced tremendous growth and became one of the largest bandwidth consumer on Internet. PPLive, one of the most popular applications in this category, is serving millions of registered users with hundreds of Live TV channels and millions of other video clips. Compared to the standard file sharing systems, the streaming service shows unique characteristics with more stringent time constraints and requires much higher network bandwidth. It is extremely important to evaluate and analyze existing applications, investigate the merits and weaknesses in these systems for the future development. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive measurement study on PPLive. Both Live TV and Video-on-Demand (VoD) channels are evaluated. We record run-time network traffic on the client side, compare and analyze the characteristics of these channels based on their popularity. For both categories, we perceive that, in general, PPLive de...
Ruixuan Li, Guoqiang Gao, Weijun Xiao, Zhiyong Xu
Added 25 Aug 2011
Updated 25 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CNSR
Authors Ruixuan Li, Guoqiang Gao, Weijun Xiao, Zhiyong Xu
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