

Measuring the Performance of Parallel Message-Based Process Architectures

14 years 4 months ago
Measuring the Performance of Parallel Message-Based Process Architectures
Message-based process architectures are widely regarded as an effective method for structuring parallel protocol processing on shared memory multi-processor platforms. A message-based process architectures is formed by binding one or more processing elements with the data messages and control messages received from applications and network interfaces. In this architecture, parallelism is achieved by simultaneouslyescorting multiplemessages on separate processingelementsthroughastackof protocol tasks. Thispaper reports performance results from an empirical comparison of a connection-oriented protocol stack implemented using two different message-based process architectures. These performance experiments measure the throughput, context switching, and synchronization exhibited by the two parallel process architectures on a shared memory multi-processor platform. The experimental results demonstrate the extent to which the selection of a parallel process architecture affects protocol stac...
Douglas C. Schmidt, Tatsuya Suda
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Douglas C. Schmidt, Tatsuya Suda
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