

The Melting Pot of Automated Discovery: Principles for a New Science

14 years 7 months ago
The Melting Pot of Automated Discovery: Principles for a New Science
After two decades of research on automated discovery, many principles are shaping up as a foundation of discovery science. In this paper we view discovery science as automation of discovery by systems who autonomously discover knowledge and a theory for such systems. We start by clarifying the notion of discovery by automated agent. Then we present a number of principles and discuss the ways in which di erent principles can be used together. Further augmented, a set of principles shall become a theory of discovery which can explain discovery systems and guide their construction. We make links between the principles of automated discovery and disciplines which have close relations with discovery science, such as natural sciences, logic, philosophy of science and theory of knowledge, arti cial intelligence, statistics, and machine learning. 1 What is a discovery A person who is rst to propose and justify a new piece of knowledge K is considered the discoverer of K. Being the rst means ac...
Jan M. Zytkow
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Where DIS
Authors Jan M. Zytkow
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