

Memory bounded inference in topic models

15 years 2 months ago
Memory bounded inference in topic models
What type of algorithms and statistical techniques support learning from very large datasets over long stretches of time? We address this question through a memory bounded version of a variational EM algorithm that approximates inference in a topic model. The algorithm alternates two phases: "model building" and "model compression" in order to always satisfy a given memory constraint. The model building phase expands its internal representation (the number of topics) as more data arrives through Bayesian model selection. Compression is achieved by merging data-items in clumps and only caching their sufficient statistics. Empirically, the resulting algorithm is able to handle datasets that are orders of magnitude larger than the standard batch version.
Ryan Gomes, Max Welling, Pietro Perona
Added 17 Nov 2009
Updated 17 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICML
Authors Ryan Gomes, Max Welling, Pietro Perona
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